Editor’s Picks: Back to School

The start of a new school year brings both excitement and challenges, from reconnecting with friends to managing stress and staying organized. To make the transition smoother, the Aa team has handpicked some back-to-school essentials that will help you throughout the year. Whether you’re looking for practical tools, tasty snacks, or stress-relief items, our curated selection has you covered. Explore our recommendations and discover how to enhance your school experience this year.

Dear Aa readers,

The wind is picking up, the birds are migrating, and the university doors have swung wide open once again. As the new school year begins, it brings invaluable education and joyful reunions with long-lost peers. However, it also comes with a familiar mix of university-induced anxiety, uncontrollable tears, sleep-deprived mania, and the inevitable winter blues. But as some of us have learned from our academic experiences, the key is to “roll with the resistance” and surrender to the moment.

That being said, there are plenty of ways to make the school year more enjoyable—dare we say, even fun. To help you navigate this journey, each member of the Aa team has handpicked their back-to-school essentials. From snacks to stress relievers to our favorite pens, you’ll find a curated selection of items that have gotten us through the years and that we continue to rely on.

Explore our top picks, learn why we love them, and grab your own to treat yourself to some much-needed relief.

Chiara’s Picks

  1. A good playlist, check out Aa Magazine on Spotify!
  2. Aesop Ginger Flight Therapy €30.00 – Trust me it’s worth it.
  3. 017 Lip Balm LA:BRUKET €18.00 – You can never go wrong with investing in good lip care.
  4. ripple+ FOCUS €14.00 – Nicotine-free, all-natural ingredients and actually works. Cannot recommend more!
  5. Incausa bath and meditate bundle €32,95 – Pamper yourself after a stressful day xx.

Anastasia’s Picks

  1. A dictionary of color combinations 18,50 – A must-have for anyone doing anything creative. This little book is packed with major color inspiration. 
  2. Bocca Coffee The Blend €9,10 – Before you start saying that 10€ is expensive for a bag of coffee, think about all the money you’ll save because of having 10/10 coffee at home. Girl math wins again!  Pro tip: add ROA oat milk, you’ll never have a coffee outside of your home premises again. 
  3. 2024 Me & Us Planner €29.95 – The most fun planner I’ve ever owned, I know we’re midway through the year never too late to become a time management professional.
  4. I heart Baba Cap by Baba Boys €35 – Appreciate those who make your education possible (hi, dad!) while incognito on campus premises.
  5. Tech 21 EvoClear – iPhone Case – Clear €34,95 – OMG! A phone case that does its job? You have to protect your most valuable asset. Bonus points that it’s clear so you can put all your favorite pictures/stickers/random notes inside! 
  6. Jen’s Bing Brown Sugar Boba Milk € 6,50 – My favorite treat to keep me motivated in between classes/study sessions. You can also add an extra shot of espresso for that energy boost.

Fabian’s Picks

  1. Cineville Pass €18,5pm – Autumn’s here! So get cosy and join the film cult that defines the spirit of this season.
  2. Kriterion – AKA the ultimate study hub that has become my second living room. 
  3. Moleskine planner €13,95 – The pocket-size calendar that keeps me from going off the deep end during the onslaught of deadlines. 
  4. Design As Art, Bruno Munari €10,99 – A must for any art student. thanks for the lend, Ana! 
  5. Apple Airtag €29,99 – I would deadass miss half of my classes in search of my keys if it weren’t for this tiny hero.

Irene’s Picks

  1. Miniso Key Chain €8,00 – Make sure to accessorize your bag! This one is for you if you are like me and have a full Hello Kitty craze. 
  2. bell hooks’ ‘The Will to Change’  €14.80  – Just making sure you have a well-rounded education.  
  3. The perfect leather tote bag €78.95  – It’s the chicest and sturdiest option for a school/work/fun bag. 
  4. La Dilettante – A ‘go to’ spot to wind (or wine)  down after a busy day and to get to know your new classmates – for me, it is always a natural wine bar for some reason hehehe.

Awa’s Picks

  1. Onigiri Ya ~€3.00 – Cafeteria prices are outrageous, so stop by here on your way to Roeterseiland and grab some lunch to go.
  2. Gentle Monster Blue Light Glasses €‌225.00 – Not everyone is lucky enough to need glasses for fashion (obviously), so protect your delicate eyes from the harsh laptop light.
  3. Ashwagandha €42,00 – Nature’s Ritalin, I guess 😉
  4. Muji 0.38 Pen €2,90 – I recently switched from 0.5 and haven’t looked back.
  5. Dried Mango €5,59 – Use it for some operant conditioning! Reward yourself with a piece after every page you read to stay motivated.

Lilian’s Picks

  1. Museumkaart €75,00 – Best deal ever! Wandering around the museum on your own, or perhaps taking inspiration and using it as research for your next project!
  2. Nylon Mesh Pen Case Square €5,95
  3. Nylon Pouch with Pocket A5 €7,95 – Get both so you can fit all your essentials and don’t have to take apart your bag every time.
  4. Sleep pillow mist €28,00 – Not sure if this actually helps you fall asleep or if it’s just the nice smell – but yk placebo effect.
  5. The stainless steel bento box and the reusable cutlery €49,90 – If you’re a lil chef like me, I know you will make and pack your lunch yourself. This bento is amaz.
  6. HIMA Sauna & Ice bath €14,50 – €75,00 – Definitely a little treat—but book the private session and go with your friends to unwind and relax. You’ll need it during exam season!

With that being said, hang in there!



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